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網站名稱:安迪富刊登時間:2015-12-18 14:43:13
聯絡人:Kelly Wu 連絡電話:
Email:kelly19920713@gmail.com Line:
官方網址: http://www.atcl.com.tw/

網站簡介 聯絡我們

安迪富(股)有限公司為專業乾電池、充電電池銷售公司,主要有東芝(TOSHIBA)、三菱(MITSUBISHI)…等各品牌電池,種類有碳鋅電池(Carbon Zinc),鹼性電池(Alkaline),鋰電池(Lithium),鋅空氣電池(Zinc Air),水銀電池(Silver),鎳氫充電電池(Ni-MH)..等各型電池,應用於醫療儀器、3C產品、生活電器、防盜偵測器材、電子儀表…等各種產品。


Andy & Tomy Corporation Limited is the batteries company which has dealt in many kinds of dry batteries and cells for many years. Our major products include many kinds of batteries and cells of TOSHIBA, MITSUBISHI and the other brands, such as Carbon Zinc Batteries, Alkaline Batteries, Lithium Coin Cells, Zinc Air Button Cells, Silver Button Cells, Ni- MH Rechargeable Batteries, etc. These products are those which can be used in medical therapeutic instruments , 3C products, home electrical appliances, anti-theft detector equipments, electronic meters, etc.

In order to supply the full range of services to the clients, due to the clients’requests, the following processing services are available: battery and cell packing service, battery and cell holders supplying, the special models for BR, ML,… battery supplying, and the special sizes for PIN size , AAAA size, N size cell supplying, etc.

Welcome to contact us for any requirements or further more information.